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Fun with Finger Painting: Create a Peacock with Grafie and Super Tempera Paints

Create a Peacock with Grafie and Super Tempera Paints
Create a Peacock with Grafie and Super Tempera Paints

Welcome to today’s exciting art lesson! We’re diving into finger painting to create a vibrant peacock using just three Super Tempera paint colours. Kids will absolutely love this colourful and hands-on activity!

Special Thanks: A big thank you to Grafie Indonesia for providing the Super Tempera paint and inspiring this lesson. Check out their full range of art supplies here and see how you can bring more creativity into your classroom or home.

What You’ll Need:

  1. Super Tempera Paint (Red, Blue, Yellow)

  2. Paper

  3. Handy Towels

  4. A piece of card for mixing colours

  5. Black Marker


Grafie: If you are in Indonesia, you can purchase this paint set from Grafie Indonesia:

Let's Get Started:

Draw the outline of a peacock’s body side-on (without a tail) on your paper using the black marker.

Create the Background
Create the Background

Create the Background:

Squirt a line of Yellow Super Tempera across the top of your page. Use your finger to spread the yellow paint around, covering the top part of your page to make a sunny background. Leave the bottom part of the page unpainted.

Mixing Colours
Mixing Colours
Make the Peacock’s Feathers
Make the Peacock’s Feathers
Paint the Peacock’s Feathers
Paint the Peacock’s Feathers

Make the Peacock’s Feathers:

Put a little Yellow and Blue Super Tempera on the card and mix them together to create a greenish-blue colour. Use your fingerprints to make the feathers of the peacock’s tail. Add some lines through the feathers with your finger for texture.

Add Colourful Feathers:
Add Colourful Feathers:

Add Colourful Feathers:

Use Blue Super Tempera to add some blue feathers on top of the green ones. Then, add Red and Yellow Super Tempera feathers in the same way.

Create the Ground:

Squirt a line of Yellow, Blue, and Red Super Tempera across the bottom of your page. Use your fingers to blend these colours together to create a vibrant ground.

Peacock Finger Painting
Peacock Finger Painting

Add Details:

Use your fingernails to paint plants and finer details. The green you mixed earlier can be used for bushes or grass. If you’re feeling adventurous, try adding a tree and branches!

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